Self Help Infos

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Handling Teenage Stress

Posted by patrick

By Kasey F. Hunsicker

Stress is the response of the body and the mind towards various changes in the physical environment of a person. Though a human being being undergoes changes throughout his life, adolescence is one period that witnesses most of the changes. During puberty, an individual goes through numerous types of changes including physical, emotional, social and academic. is the period that is the period that is accompanied by maximum stress levels.

Several causes are responsible to trigger stress during teen. A few of these factors include demanding school schedules, changes in the body, the consistent fear of being bullied amid many others. Expecting too much from one self and taking the right career decision can also be an important cause of stress in youths. Learning disabilities, financial problems in the family, discord between folks are some other less frequent causes of stress amidst teenagers.

Teenagers have to handle stress effectively since it can lead to a variety of problems. The common issues include health issues, anxiety, depression, nervousness, difficulty in concentrating and problems in sleeping and eating. In any of these conditions, the teenager may require professional help. It can also cause social withdrawal and violent behavior. Many kids lose their ability to cope with daily stress and life sometimes. Many even go on to commit suicide.

Thus, proper stress management is really critical during teenage. Time management is an example of the best ways to manage teenage stress. Correct resource allocation would help you have enough time for various activities like your studies, sports, pals or other house hold chores.

You can also get rid of stress by setting goals and dividing the work into smaller jobs. Learn to concentrate over the difficulties which are under your control and stop worrying about factors you have control control over.

Eating a healthy diet coupled with exercise can also help deal with stress. You need to also reduce your caffeine intake. Alcohol and drugs attribute to stress so be sure you stay away from them.

Many teenagers feel stressed in certain social eventualities. Think over and practice feared eventualities, for example practicing public talking or asking somebody out on a date. Express your emotions. you can do this thru writing, music, talking with friends, or with somebody you trust such as a teacher or a councilor.

Don't pamper yourself in pessimistic thoughts, select an upbeat approach. for an optimistic approach. For instance, avoid using such lines for yourself, "My life is stuck and things are becoming unbearable." On other hand, you can say, "I know things are not results in place, but every cloud has a silver lining!" Using positive remarks will neutralize your tensions considerably.

Don't indulge perfect! So, have religion in pessimistic thoughts, opt for an optimistic approach. For instance, avoid using such lines for yourself, "My life is stuck and things are becoming unbearable." On other hand, you can say, "I know things are not falling in place, but every cloud has a silver lining!" Using positive remarks will neutralize your tensions considerably.

So, have faith in yourself and you will overcome all the hurdles. In case, you are unable to cope up with stress even after using these common stress managements techniques then opt for professional aid.

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