Self Help Infos

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obese Children, An Increasing Crisis

Posted by patrick

By Sarah Gardner

While we are aware of what a major problem that obesity is in our world today, many people are not aware of the fact that the number of adolescents suffering from obesity has now risen to a critical level. Unless a way is found to stop this , obesity in adolescents will only continue to grow more common.

Some interesting facts about the adolescents who suffer from obesity

The majority of available literature has reported that children and adolescents are now less active than ever, and it is the modern lifestyle which is really most to blame for this, as people?s lifestyles in general have seen a reduction in both voluntary and incidental activities.

As well, a number of children and adolescents discovered significant correlations of inactivity associated with factors such as age and gender, for instance the younger the children are the more active they are and males tend to be more active overall than females. All of this is incredibly relevant and important in terms of determining the causes of adolescent obesity, and thus the solutions.

Health Complications

The list of health related issues caused by adolescent obesity is a large one, and all of the following diseases may result: Sleep apnea, breast cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder disease, diabetes, and heart disease and all of it's related conditions. Obesity can even lead to death in adolescents if it's not controlled.

Another disease which we frequently see resulting from obesity is diabetes. Children and adolescents have an additional risk, as diabetes strikes them more frequently than it does adults. Still other medical problems which obesity dramatically increases risk for include the above mentioned cardiovascular disease, infertility, urinary stress incontinence, and osteoarthritis.

Other Complications

Obesity can cause problems , especially for adolescents and kids, that extend far beyond health issues as well. Social interaction can be severely impacted, school grades are often lower in obese kids, and the future is less bright for obese kids and adolescents. Poor self-esteem is common, and career possibilities tend to be less attractive for the obese than they are for their thin counterparts.

Overall it is quite easy to see just how devastating an issue such as obesity is, particularly on children and adolescents, and this is why it is so important that rather than just avoiding it, we as a nation start to really take it into seriousness and start to find solutions that are going to work and that are going to put an end to the astoundingly increasing rate of obesity among children, adolescents and adults alike. By working together, we will be able to come up with solutions that are going to help the children of the future, and help keep them from having to suffer from the negative inflictions of obesity.

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