Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dating Advice For Women: How To Get A Guy To Notice You

Posted by patrick

By Samantha Sanderson

The topic of this article is made for the single girls out there as I am going to tell you how to get a guy to notice you!

Do you feel as if you are the only one that is single out of your girlfriends?

Do you want to know where all the quality men are and how to attract them?

Do you often ask yourself what does it take to catch the one?

I understand where you are coming from as I used to be like that!

So if you know you deserve better, then keep reading because I made this post for you.

Here are some fantastic tips about how to get a guy to notice you without fail. I know what you're thinking "oh gee these tips are so basic" but you have to remember, it is the small things in life that counts so don't skip what I'm telling you and pay attention.

You have to present yourself in a way that makes you approachable - Did you know that there are many guys out there who are really scared to go up to a girl they don't know and start a conversation with them. You need to make the experience of approaching you very easy because most men experience something known as "approach anxiety" which means it is hard for them to come up and just talk to you. I cannot stress how important it is for you to appear nice and inviting and presenting your body language in this way is important. Men are very sensitive when it comes to rejection, so you have to create a vibe that makes it easy for him to come to you that is why you have to create a positive atmosphere and not give him the wrong impression. You want to be able to ensure that it is easy for the guy to come and talk to you.

Listen to what he has to say - I have heard from many guys that their biggest fear when they approach a girl is that the woman is not interested in what they have to say. So remember, make it easier for the one you are interested in and listen to what he has to say. You have to appreciate that the guy has made the first move, so despite the fact that the convesration may be boring and uninspiring, don't make him feel bad! Give him a chance to impress you and do not embarass him by shutting him down!

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