Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Monday, March 23, 2009

Looking for the Craft Muse

Posted by patrick

By Melissa Hartwell

I can't find my muse. She's been gone for months and months now and I can't find her, no matter how hard I try. I went out on a variety of vacation trips, but even that didn't seem to help. It follows, that I couldn't do my arts and crafts as much as I wanted to.

I'm one to do arts and crafts. In a world that doesn't stop to take a breather every once in a while, I believe that one should periodically stop and think about the important things in life. It is my hobby to make crafts out of mundane objects; small trinkets and such from things other people would classify as trash or junk.

But lately, my crafts only look like glorified trash. Sure, there is a discernable design to them. Unfortunately, when one looks at some of my latest works, they cannot forget the raw materials where it came from. The idea of my craft is to make something that looks like a work of art in and of itself, and not simply an attempt at recycling.

So, on a whim, I decided to try harder at finding my inspiration and creativity once again. Unfortunately, no matter how much I tried to coerce her to show up, she stayed hidden from me and no amount of forcing would make her show up. Out of sheer frustration, I finally decided to just give up my beloved hobby. I took up all my crafting tools and materials and put them into storage up in the attic.

But, my muse was a tricky one. The very next day, I went about my business of household chores, when I suddenly felt that familiar itching in that part of my brain where my muse resides in. Immediately, I dashed up the attic and grabbed my materials out of storage, and prepared to make something new once again. I am pretty confident my muse is back to stay.

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