Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chakra Healing A Non-Invasive and Natural Healing Process

Posted by patrick

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

What is Chakra According to the ancient Hindus?

A chakra is an axis point in the human body that receives, connects to and conveys life force energy. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means a continuously spinning wheel or sphere of mans aural energy. Although traditional Hindu writings assert that there are more than 88,000 chakra points in the entire human body, the most important of these chakras are the seven energy axis from the base of the spinal column to the top of the head.

These seven major chakras are root/base chakra, sex/navel chakra, stomach/solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow/third eye chakra, and the crown chakra. These major chakra points in our body take in and transmit energies to and from the general surroundings including the people and elements around us. As such, they directly influence and affect an individuals corporeal, psychological, intellectual/emotional and spiritual/mystical activities.

The seven major energy points of our body are the root, navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown and they are located along the length of the spine. These energy points continuously receive and transmit life form energies resulting from their direct and indirect interaction with other elements and life forces of our environment and are believed to have a direct bearing on our physical, emotional and spiritual makeup.

Since the chakras are constantly in motion regardless if we are awake or not, their constant activity influences our bodys structure and appearance, glandular processes, physical disorders, even our thoughts and conduct. Therefore when one or more of our chakras malfunction due to any number of reasons, the result is an imbalance that becomes manifest in all aspects of our being.

Since each of the major chakras corresponds to a particular endocrine gland in our body, any variance in their normal function or behavior directly affects our health as well.

Maintaining Chakra Balance Using the above as our starting point, we can then safely conclude that most of our major illnesses and ailments are chakra related. Although there may not be enough physical manifestations of the illness or imbalance (yet) there may be emotions and concerns from way back our childhood that affect us today physically, spiritually or emotionally.

Since not all of our illnesses may be physical, they can also be on the emotional level brought on by repressed incidents that brought us undue pain or disappointment during our lifetime to eating the wrong types of foods and being obese for example. Lack of self confidence and self esteem can also be considered an illness in the broadest term. Certainly, there is only one way to combat these illnesses and that is to remove their physical or emotional triggers from our system.

Advantages of Chakra Healing What most people are not aware of is that we have the resources to control and manipulate our energy points to our advantage. By knowing how to influence and manipulate the functions of our major chakras we can then control how they function so that we can achieve the benefits of balance and harmony, not only within us but with our surroundings as well.

Some people prefer to attend yoga exercise classes as the breathing and physical exercises used in the practice of yoga are beneficial to maintain chakra balance in the body.

For example, the practice of Yoga and directed meditation are but two of the commonly used healing methods to align and enhance our energy points in order for us to achieve total relaxation and concentration regardless of where we are. This is very helpful in relieving stress and enhances the bodys natural healing processes.

Another important factor to consider is that although our chakras can not be seen nor touched, they work on their own to support our body. We have to keep them healthy too.

The human body has to be healthy and fed properly in order for us to have balanced chakras. There are foods that help maintain the balance of each of the seven primary chakras.

Root-type vegetables, protein-rich foods and spices nourish our root chakra. The sexual and creativity (sacral) chakra needs sweet fruits, nuts and cinnamon, vanilla, sesame and caraway seeds; the stomach/solar plexus chakra which is responsible for enhancing our self-confidence and self-love are can be nourished by eating breads, pastas, cereal, dairy products, yogurt and minty spices.

Our energy points that affect the heart and throat are sustained when we eat green, leafy vegetables, drink plenty of liquid, green tea and fruit juices.

On the other hand, our third eye chakra is get nourishment when we eat blueberries and grapes and drink wine or grape juice. It is equally important to nourish this chakra as it makes feelings and senses sharper.

The spiritual and emotional center (our crown chakra) of the human body however does not need nutrients but requires detoxification by means of fasting.

These everyday methods, which admittedly are vey simple since they are an extension of what we already perform daily are some of the basic ways we can heal our energy points so that we can reap the benefits of possessing a healthy functioning chakra for a more productive and healthier life.

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