Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Enhancing Youth Development Through Increased Inspiration

Posted by patrick

By Lauren Tyson

We all know that self-discovery is a long winding road; it is never easy and is often rife with pitfalls and obstacles. Often, we find ourselves at a fork in the road: should we take the path of least resistance, or would it benefit us to strike out into the unknown, wary of the danger but full of determination and hope? We will never know what possibilities will open up on either path, but we can try to equip ourselves with everything we will need to traverse it.

Sudden occurrences can block our way and make personal harmony difficult to maintain. Time constraints, prior commitments, social engagements, and work-related stress all conspire against us. Typically we just need more time - if only there were more hours in the day to accomplish the things important to us! Without a way to balance our priorities, we can become easily distracted and sometimes fail to notice when we have neglected certain responsibilities that may be important to others, like family time or a meeting with a friend. Stress can put a palpable strain on personal relationships.

Children and teens especially feel the strain when life does not go according to plan. How can we sufficiently prepare them to meet challenges head-on? Academic summer camps like SuperCamp are excellent resources for kids and teens. Students are immersed in an environment designed to discover their strengths, help them pursue goals and make big decisions, solve problems and resolve conflicts, all while keeping them focused on the goal of academic success.

There are many teen programs and youth development programs that provide study skills and test-taking tips, but SuperCamp provides students with a framework by which to live their lives. The 8 Keys of Excellence are comprised of these eight principles: Integrity, Speak with Good Purpose, Ownership, Failure Leads To Success, Flexibility, This Is It!, Commitment, and Balance. Each principle can be applied to numerous aspects of a student's life, ranging from effective time management, to acting responsibly in negative situations, to taking ownership of their education and performance.

Programs like SuperCamp ultimately prepare students for adult lives full of responsibility. They offer a unique support system through "real-life" activities and a comfortable social environment designed to help them transcend the challenges thrown at them. Responsible choices are praised, as are alternate methods of problem-solving, and they will thrive in an environment where they feel that they have control of their own fates.

Whether in social interactions with friends and family or communicating with a teacher to enhance comprehension, students will benefit from life lessons that help them deal with stress and unforeseen circumstances. Something as stressful as the ACT or the SAT doesn't have to throw a wrench into their plans if they have a good handle on time management. They will be able to focus on maintaining a positive environment by taking ownership of their actions.

One of the most important lessons kids and teens will take away from SuperCamp is that they can safely express themselves in ways that may have originally been outside of their comfort zones. They will form lasting bonds with students much like themselves: students trying to find their way on the road toward personal success. No matter what their future goals are in life, they will have the life skills they need to achieve those goals.

Students will not only be able to guide themselves, but others down the road toward success. As leaders of their own lives, the lessons they learn along the way will only strengthen their resolve to overcome obstacles and forge ahead onto a new path of their own creation.

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