Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Believe to Succeed

Posted by patrick

By ADelamar

Like beauty, success is in the eye of the beholder. Whether you become successful in life is truly dependent upon your personal definition of "success". For some success is obtaining great wealth, money and prestige. For others it is raising a happy family. Still for others it could be health or a fruitful social life. Regardless of what your definition of success is one fact remains true, you must have a clear vision of what you want in order to obtain what you seek. Your goals cannot be vague they must be solid, firmly set in your minds eye as though you have already received them. This was the basis for my creating the Life Success, a website that offers self help e-programs from various authors all geared to several aspects of success. There are many such reference libraries out there and they're a great way to research your goals. But for now, let's take each definition of success and break it down, starting with wealth.It is not enough to just say, I want to be rich.

It is not enough to say, "I want a lot of money". If that was all it took we would all be Bill Gates. Instead ask yourself, what does "rich" mean to me? How much money would it take for me personally feel financially secure? You may be surprised to learn that this number changes for each individual. What may be considered rich by one individual may barely scratch the surface to another. One may wish for the treasures of a king while another simply wants enough to live comfortably and retire. So, how much is enough for you and your desires?

Once you have this figure established firmly in your mind next ask yourself, how hard am I willing to work to get it and what am I lacking that keeps me from meeting my goal? Can you write the next great novel or screenplay? Do you have a great idea for a product that you feel the world is just waiting in line to buy? If not, your next best bet is to start a business of your own. Research sites such as the ones I mentioned earlier would be your best place to start.

Get the extra knowledge you need by looking in on local community college classes. Some courses are no more than a few weeks long and you can take them at night. Whatever your path, DO NOT let anyone, including yourself, get in the way of your goal.Let us consider Health, and let's then add Family and Social life success. I combine these because one can either lead to or contribute to the others. For example, a healthy life can mean a stronger and happier family life free from the burdens of major health complications. A happy family life will lead all including any children that may exist or come along in the future to having a more level, well adjusted social life. This formula can work in reverse as well starting with a happy social life leading to a successful family life which contributes to a healthier physical life.

A happy family life will lead all including any children that may exist or come along in the future to having a more level, well adjusted social life. This formula can work in reverse as well starting with a happy social life leading to a successful family life which contributes to a healthier physical life. Everything is connected in one way or another.To many people, health, family and a good social life is worth more than all the money in the world. For these individuals life success is just a matter of viewpoint and adjustments. emember, we can't control the actions of those around us but we can control our own thoughts and actions. Once we gain control of our own inner-selves the world around us may seem to become more positive. There are several programs regarding this at Life Success regarding the life changing positive affects this can have on the lives of people just like you and I. Whatever your position in this life may be, whatever your inner-personality may reflect, you can grasp control of your life if you know where you wish to go, who you want to be and be rock solid determined to make it happen.

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