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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Spirit Contact: Believing It's Possible Is The First Step.

Posted by patrick

By Afterlife Phil G

I want you, an ordinary person, who grieves the loss of a loved one, to understand how simple it is to connect with the Afterlife. But you will find it hard if you don't believe it's possible. And TV shows such as "The Ghost Whisperer" don't help you either!

On my Cd "Contacting The Afterlife - A Spoken Beginner's Guide" I start off with a track called "Accepting The Possibility". The reason I do that, is that if you are closed to the concept of being able to contact spirits or contact the afterlife, you will find it much harder to do, and make it much harder for those who are trying to come through to you to do so.

I do understand there are different levels of talent. While I believe anybody can do this, some will be very good. Some are not so good. But I do believe everybody can do what I do. And that is: gradually come to a situation where you can recognize the signs of contact and then verify it's real. But I do honestly believe you need to accept the possibility before it happens.

I want you to gradually come to a situation where you can recognize the signs of contact and then verify it's real. I do understand there are different levels of talent. While I believe anybody can do this, some will be very good. Some are not so good. But I do believe everybody can do what I do

Someone in the room asked what happens if you completely do not believe spirit contact is possible? I explained nicely that it's the right of every individual to believe things or not believe things. But I felt very much as if she was referring to the gentleman in the corner of the room. Not wanting to offend him, I explained my thoughts on everybody being entitled to their belief. But I went on to explain that I think it is a pity where a particular family member will go beyond this, and ridicule the rest of the family for the believing in contact with the spirit world. This is no different to whether somebody does or doesn't like football. Some people love it, some people hate it. But I think it is a shame when one person expects everyone else to share the same view.

So in the same way that I believe afterlife contact is possible, I also accept that some people don't believe it's possible. I only share my information with those who are interested. In my everyday circle of friends and acquaintances, I don't start talking to people all the time about afterlife contact, and expecting them all to believe it. I let them go on about their daily life, and some people know what I do and some people don't. Those who do know what I do, I leave to them to their thoughts unless someone actually asks me about it. I don't ram this down people's throats. So in the return, I would like to think people who don't believe this don't ram it down other people's throats either.

Fortunately, the man in question, although he did not believe contact with the afterlife, he did leave the rest of the family open to their own thoughts and opinions. That's wonderful. Everyone can then reach their own conclusion.

The problem with forcing your beliefs on others in the family, if you don't believe this is possible, is that you cut off your nose to spite your face. When that person crosses over to the other side and they suddenly realise that this is possible, they've already convinced their family it's not possible, and they can't come through.

I sometimes have spirits come through who are completely surprised that they're still around! They can see and hear what's going on, and they are aware their family is here, but they can't come through, because the family won't believe it. Now fortunately, in some of those cases I am then able to help them understand that it is possible and get them past that point. But generally it's quite difficult. And that's why I believe it's important to let people come to their own opinion

In your own instance, if you don't believe contact with the spirit world is possible, it makes it much harder for them to come through. You need too much proof. I find this when I do readings that those who are open-minded catch on to the things that do come through and are happy to accept them as proof. The problem is those who don't, always want more proof - it's never enough. If you watch the film "Ghost" you can see Patrick's frustration with trying to prove he's around Demi.

If somebody wants birthdays and you bring through birthdays, then a person who was negative and turned off by this will quite correctly be able to say it could be a lucky guess or a trick. And that's true, some people can do that. If it's down to favourite colours and foods, it still comes down to a possible lucky guess, or maybe you're priming the person for information. The problem is there's never enough proof. It's a bit like the person who would be as ridiculous as saying there is no such thing as electricity coming through the power point, and you want to prove it by sticking their finger in the socket. They do, they die. There will never be enough proof until you die.

Is the TV show "The Ghost Whisperer" what it's really like? I'm not saying to believe everything you see, particularly on TV. All I am saying is, you should be open-minded. I have a problem with a lot of TV shows and movies, who portray contact with the afterlife as something that it's not. There are those who are gifted who do get very clear specific information with very the images. The other thing I find with a show like "The Ghost Whisperer" is that it wrongly shows she stops and listens to large volumes of information with complete sentences. It generally doesn't happen like that, particularly for ordinary "non-psychic" people wanting to connect with family and friends for the first time.

For most people it's a burst of information. So what might take two or three sentences to come through in normal conversation can take a split-second: as an image or a thought for a feeling. That's why many spiritualists struggle at times to explain in words. That's important for you as a normal, non-psychic person who may not be terribly psychic to realise this.

I talk about this my book and on my CD and my other materials: Information comes through as a burst of an image, a feeling or a couple of words in it comes through quickly and it's usually the first thing you think of when you ask for some information. So in my son's case when he first got some information through from my mother, he didn't get told he's being shown a picture of the wattle tree with the yellow fluffy balls of wattle, with his dad (me) standing in front of it. He got a split-second image of a tree with cotton wool balls on in - and a bit later, saw the cotton-wool as yellow, and I was the one who had to piece together the fact that he was seeing the wattle tree I had a picture of, with me standing in front of it.

The information that comes through to you will be brief, and will be over very quickly, it isn't really in full sentences. It's often in feelings. I'm bringing this up because most people who watch a TV show like that will think it comes through like that and it doesn't. It's almost like three sentences could be encapsulated in one brief feeling that you would have trouble explaining fully in words, but you know what it means. And that's what you're looking for, when they contact you. It's just this little rush of information which makes perfect sense to you even though it might be difficult for you to explain.

And this is also the reason some people miss the signs of contact, because you get a little burst of information and then you think it couldn't possibly be right. Why would I have thought of that? But you did. And it's real. Use the information in my video and on my website, CDs, book to help you understand that family in the Afterlife can contact you. You don't have to be gullible, but just believe it. You don't even have to believe it's really happening. I just want you to believe that it's possible. Because if you do that, then you'll find things will start coming through. And my website explains how to verify it's real. For information visit my website on spirit contact ( or

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