Self Help Infos

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

The 10 Key Steps To Writing A Great Novel

Posted by patrick

By Elizabeth J. Maison

All the most wonderful and inspiring stories that you have ever read follow the essential mythological outline of the Hero's Journey. If you look closely at some of the most popular and satisfying novels and movies, you can see for yourself that this is true. This structure deeply resonates for all of us as humans because it reflects the inner process we all go through in our lives as we strive to be true to ourselves and create a life that is satisfying and fulfilling.

There are ten basic steps to the Hero's Journey. If you use them as a starting place to develop your plot, you will find that the result is a story rich with meaning and vitality. With your well-crafted plot outline in hand, you will feel inspired and enthusiastic about writing your novel.

The Ten Steps of the Hero's Journey

1. The Ordinary World of Your Character Is Revealed. Your novel begins by showing us your main character and illustrating what his life is like at the beginning. Generally, you want to also show how his life is out of balance in some way as well.

2. You Character Faces a Challenge. Something happens that forces the hero to make a decision that will change his life.

3. Initial Rejection of the Call To Action. Your character does not want to make this change to begin with. It will entail a lot of effort as well as some kind of risk and he does not want to do it.

4. You Character Decides To Change. Often motivated by some key outside event, your character decides to make the change that will potentially improve his life.

5. Your Character Gains Mentors and Allies. As your story progresses, your character meets people along the way who offer help and support.

6. Gaining the Skills and Knowledge Needed To Succeed. Your character takes action that helps him develop the skills and perspective he will need to succeed at his goal. It is revealed that the stakes are getting higher as he proceeds.

7. Your Character First Confronts His Deepest Fear and Fails. He faces his greatest challenge but has not yet acquired the inner strength that is needed to succeed at his goal.

8. The Dark Night of the Soul. Your character experiences self-doubt and fears that he will never succeed. He is on the verge of giving up.

9. The Leap of Faith. Your character experiences a renewed inner commitment to his goal based on an inner faith that he can be, do, or have whatever he really wants.

10. The Ultimate Confrontation and Final Success. At this climactic moment, your character faces his biggest challenge. He calls up all the renewed strength and determination within him and uses it to overcome all obstacles. After the greatest effort of his life, he is rewarded with the success he has wanted for so long.

When you apply the structure of the Hero's Journey to your novel, the process of writing becomes much easier and more inspiring. It helps you to see where your main character needs to go and what he needs to face in order to make the story truly powerful and meaningful for you as the writer and for your readers as well. When you feel stuck and you are not sure where to go next with your writing, the structure of the Hero's Journey will always show you the next step.

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