Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Disguised Hypnosis "The Logical Offsetting Technique"

Posted by patrick

By Robert Casey

Even though Disguised Hypnosis is packed with persuasion techniques from start to finish, one of its popular techniques is called "Logical Offsetting". There are endless variations of this technique, but for now let's focus on the basic foundations of it.

A persuasion artist must first understand "Logical Offsetting" is part of what Disguised Hypnosis calls "The Insurance Game". This is a powerful game that persuasion artists play to remove resistance getting in their way.

In order to be able to logically offset your opponent, you first need to find something that you can use against your opponent as leverage. Then, you use your "insurance" that you have acquired over your opponent to completely "logically offset" any if not all of his resistance.

Even though Logical Offsetting is a secretive technique performed by seasoned persuasion artist, people who are not trained in the secrets of persuasion do this all the time. A classic example of Logical Offsetting in action is the way children attempt to offset their mistakes by reminding their parents of the exact same mistakes that their parents also made when they were young.

As soon as the parents are reminded of their behavior, they are placed in a weakened position that makes it more difficult to punish their children, because they once did the same thing. Of course, it should go without saying that in this scenario Logical Offsetting by itself may not be powerful enough to get the child completely off the hook, but it often does give the child enough leverage to buffer his punishment.

And this is the art of persuasion at its best, because the art of persuasion is all about tipping the scales in your favor in order for you to be able to have what you want. Logical Offsetting has an even more powerful effect when its combined with other secretive strategies. When strategies are combined by the persuasion artist, this is called, "layering" or "stacking".

"Stacking" is when the persuasion artist stacks several weak layers of persuasion skills and techniques one on top of the other to create what is known in the underground world as "The "invincible effect". Among many things, The invincible effect states that when something could be resisted that it will not be resisted because too many factors are involved for the person to say no.

This line of thinking provides another reason why Disguised Hypnosis is as powerful as it is, because most people are always looking for things that are strong, whilst it never occurs to them to utilize the weaknesses that are all around them in such a way that they can create a powerful force that cannot be stopped.

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