Self Help Infos

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

What You Need to Know About Cure for Hyperhidrosis

Posted by patrick

By Jessica Matias

Sweat. Normally it's a good sign of how much effort you're exerting or how your body feels about the weather. Like many other things, some people have more of it than others. That's normal, too. What isn't normal is having far too much coming out.

That's what people call Hyperhidrosis, or the condition or state that a person just sweats far too much than is healthy or normal. A cure for hyperhidrosis or treatment for hyperhidrosis is often the next step for people concerned for either their hydration, their appearance or perhaps their style. Luckily, management is relatively easy for people who know the right things.

There are different types of hyperhidrosis depending on where it affects your body the most. It can sometimes result to extra sweaty hands or sweaty feet. Everywhere in the body are the sweat glands that can go haywire and be a spot for hyperhidrosis. Available cure for it also depends on how it came to be.

Causes from them can be classified into two groups: primary or secondary. The primary group is usually genetic, coming to light as a person grows into adolescence. The main difference between the primary and secondary groups is that the latter can start at any point in a person's life.

Treatment for hyperhidrosis that is secondary might be more complicated as it could be a disorder of any number of things from the pituitary or thyroid glands, a form of diabetes and even the more dangerous mercury poisoning.

Actual treatment for hyperhidrosis varies. Aluminum chloride might sound familiar to a lot of people; it's commonly found in antiperspirants. For people who suffer from this condition, this just isn't enough, not for the amount they sweat. It just doesn't work for people who sweat plenty from their feet or hands. Another consideration for this is that a large amount of aluminum chloride could actually cause more trouble by irritating the skin.

Botulinum toxin is a common solution that can be used to treat underarms sweating. This solution disables the sweat glands, but only temporarily. This is an FDA-approved solution with effects that can last only from 4 to 9 months.

Anxiolytics and antidepressants are usually mistaken cure for hyperhidrosis. Since people who are sweaty are easily perceived as anxious or nervous, these cure are given as an effort to control anxiety. Beta blockers, used to control symptoms of stress, were also used but are no longer considered.

Excessive sweating can cause a lot of interference in a person's daily activities. Extra sweaty hands can be a problem; grasping or catching or throwing objects can be a burden. It can also be socially awkward or can affect social interaction, thus, the need for a cure.

Treatment for hyperhidrosis can be expensive, especially if you opt for a surgical option but depending on your lifestyle and your career, it may be worth it. Anything that lets you live a less intrusive life is worth it.

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