Self Help Infos

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Six Sigma Offers A Variety Of Training Programs

Posted by patrick

By Craig Calvin

Six Sigma is a business process that companies implement to control organization and increase profits while managing production efficiently. The Six Sigma training offers different levels of training for different levels of employee. For example, a manager may be trained to be a Six Sigma Black Belt, while a lower line level employee would achieve his Six Sigma Green Belt certification.

Six Sigma Black Belt holders are the managers and supervisors in the company. They are generally responsible for the successful implementation of the Six Sigma program. They are team leaders who oversee specific problem solving projects that are handled by lower level employees.

Six Sigma Green Belts are a step below Black Belts. They operate as a support system to the Black Belts and assist with data collection. The Green Belt also generally oversees Green Belt related projects. The Yellow Belt is generally a staff level position whose participation is as a doer and achiever on projects. They review their own work and make improvements on it.

The lowest tier in the Six Sigma program is a White Belt. These individuals can work on low-level problem solving teams to support the overall Black Belt project, but are not official members of the Six Sigma project team. White Belts do not require any official Six Sigma training or Six Sigma certification and are only aware of or have a basic understanding of Six Sigma concepts. Other integral designations in the Six Sigma program refer to organizational support.

Executives and champions, as they are called, help establish project direction by working in one of the following functionalities: Executives are responsible for overall Six Sigma organizational alignment. These individuals must establish the complete strategic focus of the implemented Six Sigma program by evaluating the culture and vision of the company. Lower level Champions assist with applying the companys vision, mission, designated goals and metrics to an improvement project by identifying company resources and helping demolish any existing barriers to improvement.

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