Self Help Infos

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finding the Lowest Trucking Insurance Rates

Posted by patrick

By Steve Turner

Trucking insurance coverage can be obtained at a various range of costs. Besides looking for the most affordable rates, see what else you can do to lower your premium even further. Look into getting coverage from an insurance company that specializes in trucking insurance.

The age of the commercial truck is not a large factor when determining the rate offered for coverage. Unlike in the auto insurance industry, providers have found that older trucks are better taken care of than newer ones. Because of this the factor considered in creating your rate is the overall condition of the truck.

Keeping the safety features of your truck in great condition can have a positive affect on your premium. The Department of Transportation (DOT) will give you an inspection to determine how these stand, although it is not required to receive insurance coverage.

Safety is the greatest concern in the trucking insurance business. If you attach signs saying "This truck makes wide turns" or the like can further reduce your premium.

How many years you have been driving truck will affect your insurance premium. If you are between the ages of 30 and 65 it will be easier for you to receive coverage. Driving records that are clean will result in a lower premium rate.

Having long-haul trucking experience can make it easier for you to obtain favorable insurance coverage. If you have been with your employer for a number of years and have not job hopped this is also highly looked upon.

A history of good customer service in the insurance provider is important. Also consider the different types of coverage that you need, such as cargo insurance coverage and look for providers that offer these types of coverage.

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