Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Monday, June 8, 2009

Make Your Own Subliminal Messages - Use Your Subconscious

Posted by patrick

By Trevor Johnson

You can make your own subliminal messages easily at home by using your computer and subliminal software. You can create subliminal messages on several different types of media including cds, mp3's, tapes and more. The message will be embedded into the music, sound or flash on the screen so that you do not notice it but your subconscious does.

Subliminal messages work on your subconscious mind so you do not actually know that they are being used. The subconscious will directly follow most subliminal messages as long as they will not cause any harm to yourself. Your subconscious takes things very literally so you need to be careful when creating your subliminal messages.

As long as you are creating subliminal messages for personal use and not to be use don other individuals then you are not breaking any laws. To create your own subliminal messages it is important that the message is always very positive. You want to get your subconscious to do something, telling it not to do something is not that effective. It is important o look at it as an accomplishment and goal an to always speak n the first person and in present tense.

Once you have your subliminal message you can type it in as text or record it using a microphone and your subliminal software will transform it into a subliminal message. This means changing the pitch of the message and making it blend into the background noise or by playing it at a very high pitch that sounds like buzzing.

You can perform a search online to find the many different subliminal encoding software available. It may even be possible to get a free trial to try the software out before purchasing. The most recent subliminal encoders will digitally include the subliminal messages in a matter of minutes. You can create your own subliminal messages and be able to use them in only a few minutes form the comfort of your own home.

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