Self Help Infos

Who's there to help you then your ownself

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Appreciation and Gratitude

Posted by patrick

By Jan Shimano

Much has been written about how beneficial it is for us to reflect on the things in our lives that we are grateful for. When we do this, it puts us in one of the highest vibrational states possible. When we are in a state of gratitude and appreciation we are actually in a state of abundance.

According to the Law of Attraction, when we actually focus on the many things we are grateful for, we end up getting more of those very things we focus on. It's just human nature to feel more inclined to want to continue giving to someone if they show genuine appreciation for what we have done for them. Our motive for gift giving is certainly not to receive a gift in return. However, it is human nature to want to feel appreciated.

I'm sure most of us have experienced what it feels like when we give a gift to someone who we care about and they barely acknowledge it. Maybe we had put a lot of thought and even effort into buying or making the gift. I know when I get that type of a response, I feel hurt and let down. I might even reason with myself "why would I want to continue to give gifts to this person, only to experience this hurt feeling again?"

So we want to reflect on the things we are grateful for but let's not forget to actually express our gratitude to others for how they enrich our lives. Certainly, we don't have to receive a gift in order to lovingly express our feelings to others. Just remember, our sincere expressions could be just what they needed at that moment, and could even make their day.

I recently jotted down a list of ten things that I am most grateful for. I suggest you do the same. Perhaps my list can help you with yours, but we are all different and yours will be unique to you and your life. My list of ten is only the tip of the iceberg. Here they are.

* My family

* My faith

* My community

* The beauty of nature

* Books

* Old and new friends

* Meditation

* Good food

* Health

* Mentors

Let's remember that gratitude and appreciation is a two-way street. Yes, we need to reflect and meditate on all the fantastic aspects of our lives right now and be grateful for all the blessings we have received, but we must not forget to voice our appreciation and gratitude to all those we come in contact with every day, who are warm, kind and considerate towards us. Just think for a minute -- how pleasant were you to the clerk at the grocery store today, or to the waiter that served you your lunch yesterday?

Believe me when I say that just a smile and a warm word of thanks can make an enormous difference in peoples lives. Try it, and I promise you that you will not be sorry. The joy you give to another person when you do this will come back to you a hundred fold...guaranteed.

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