Self Help Infos

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Make a Tobacco Habit

Posted by patrick

By Patrick Glancy, BCH

Imagine you wanted to start a habit. A strong, automatic way of thinking and acting. How do you start a habit like this? There are three basic ways; emotions, authority figures, and repetition.

Let's use an example.

We need a person to use for our example. Let's use you, when you were 10 to 14 years old. For the sake of discussion, let's use the smoking habit. Ok?

When you were in that age range we can assume you were learning about your life and how you fit into it. You may not have felt as sure about yourself.

You may have felt self-conscious, dependent on others, powerless, not good enough, or just not as capable as you would have liked to feel. Let's call this feeling "bad". Now, this doesn't mean you felt miserable, but, did you feel as "good" as you wanted to feel? Did you feel as "good" as you believed other people felt?

Possibly, (probably) not. Which would mean you wanted to feel better, or at least as good as you thought other people feel. What would make you feel better? That depends on the influences in your life to that point.

Experiences that teach you smoking is strong, capable, tough, independent, self-assured, unique, and feels "good". Experiences that involve emotions, authority figures and repetition. Of course advertisements do this, so do parents and family members. Are these experiences repeated? Of course.

This would start a feeling in your mind, the beginning of a craving. A part of you that believes smoking is what your life needs to fix the bad feeling. Not just in a "knowing" way, but a "feeling" way. This concept will make the most sense to someone whom has tried to quit any strong habit, you know your "feelings" are stronger than your "knowing" any day.

Eventually you smoked your first cigarette, and DID feel better, sort of. You weren't too good at smoking the first time. You had to practice to get good at it. And you did.

Time passes and you continue to reinforce the emotional associations with your triggers. If you feel tired, stressed or angry, you want to smoke to get that refreshing "ahhhh" feeling.

People that have tried to quit smoking have spent a lot of time analyzing their habit, fighting themselves for control of cravings. But, you didn't learn the smoking habit with the thinking and analyzing part of your mind, so why try to use that part of your mind to change the habit?

It is common sense to quit smoking using the same elements that created the habit. A "hypnotized" mind, along with emotions, authority figures and repetition. These are the elements of modern hypnosis.

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